January 27, 2012

Weekend Groove Music: Mine

Yus' new word is MINE. And since we were gifted Elmo in Grouchland from my SiL two weeks ago he has watched it at least 50 times. No exaggeration. So, thanks Elmo for adding to my son's vocabulary. His nose even scrunches up when he says it... too cute! For now that is... 

Have a safe and blessed weekend!          

January 26, 2012

Kindermusik Classes

So after a lot of back and forth, on my part. Yus and I finally went to a Kindermusik class. We arrived early (which calmed my nerves) with enough time for a diaper change and for him to get to know Joan, the teacher, a bit before the other kids came.

There was a drum in the center of the room with sand discs and zig zag discs for the kids to use to bang on the drum. As the kids started coming in the class, Yus kept playing on the drum and then started interacting with some kids that were his size (or what he thought were his size). The kids ranged from 3 months to 7 years old and there were about 7 kids in the class. Some new like us, others old pros. 

Yus & Ms. Joan
The class started with a Hello Song, rhythm movement, and then the Good Bye Song. Our first class was an hour long and Yus had a blast! I'm pretty sure all the classes are about an hour. The next 11 weeks should be tons of fun and the class also includes a Kindermusik instrument set for fun play at home. We will mostly likely sign up again, and again, and again.
I guess this starts my mommy taxi days.

Click here for more info on a Kindermusik near you.


January 25, 2012

WordFUL Wednesday

With gratitude, all life appears as a blessing - without gratitude, all of life is perceived as a burden.

~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

January 19, 2012

We Are Pacifier FREE!!!!

Yes you read that correctly, today makes 1 week of NO bow-bow.

pics on Sodahead

I decided, I had waited long enough and there was no time like the present. Since October he's not been allowed to have his pacifier at school. So, Yus would walk in the door, hand his pacifier to his teacher and keep on moving. He took a nap without it, played without it, everything. Like I've said before, Yus is smart and knew that he could only use his bow bow at home. Now if I was a genius, I would have nipped it in the butt then, but I wasn't ready. Clearly I needed the bow-bow more than he did.

With my new job, our new schedule and the New Year, I decided it was time. I started slowly, no bow-bow in the car, and 2 days into, only bow-bow at night, a light bulb went off. "It's so rude of me to tease Yus with the bow-bow at night." He goes all day without it, let's just go cold turkey. And last Thursday night was rough but after milk and what felt like 10 minutes of crying he was sleep. Sweet Success and Victory all in one. Friday night was a little better, he only cried for 5 minutes and to sleep he went. Saturday night he was plan exhausted after a fun filled day of playing with his cousins. A little toss and turn and he was out. Sunday night was a breeze and we haven't looked backed since.

Next, we will conquer toilet-training... 

NOTE: Yus is teething AGAIN (when will this end) so what I call success my husband is still wishing for the bow-bow. HAHAHAHA! But I know all he needs is a little orajel and he's fine...

How did you break your child from the pacifier? 


January 18, 2012

WordFUL Wednesday

Whatever you are, be a good one.
~ Abraham Lincoln

January 13, 2012

Weekend Grove Music: I'm Elmo And I Know It

Yus is going to LOVE this when I show him tonight. 

Thanks to the children of Jeff C. of PAFilmsdotcom for creating such great lyrics for a kid-friendly version of LMFAO's "Sexy and I Know It". 
Have a safe and blessed weekend! 

January 11, 2012

WrodFUL Wednesday

It's not how good you ARE. It's how good you WANT TO BE.
~ Paul Arden

January 10, 2012

Location, Location, Location

I am so extremely grateful. 

Being a working mom takes a lot finesse and having a flexible career makes it that much easier, in my opinion. Today, starts my working mom dream. I was blessed to be able to get a new position closer to home and closer to Yus. I can't even express my excitement through words... It's more like, Ahahahdklsfpjrkltls (that's my scream). 

I feel like, every working mom wants to be hands-on and be able to tackle both work life and home life and ultimately create a seamless work/home balance. Well folks, I finally have that now and I'm a believer that it's all in the location. 

Living and working in the same area in my opinion just makes everything easier. No more train/bus link-up pass. No more waiting for the bus in the rain, snow, and below zero weather. No more praying the train won't be delayed in the snow and then when it is delayed making that call to the hubs, "I'll be at least 2 hours late tonight". :-( 

Yes, to being able to pick-up Yus on-time. Yes, to swinging by the grocery store on the way home (I am no longer afraid of it and  I saved $33.95 my last trip). Yes, to driving 15 minutes to work. 

... and Yes, to starting 2012 with a BANG of a BLESSING! 

How do you balance work & home?


January 4, 2012

WordFUL Wednesday

No one is perfect - that's why pencils have erasers.
~ Author Unknown

It's the beginning of the New Year. It's hard to start all the on your 'New Year, New Me' list. Start small and add one new thing each week/month. It takes 21 days to form a habit. 

January 1, 2012

The Single Story

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I came across this video of one of my favorite authors, Chimamanda Adichie. In the video she gives a speech on 'the danger of a single story'. It is truly powerful. After watching, I started thinking about the single stories I hear daily and those I grew up with; and how I can successfully address single story issues with Yus and even my little sister as they encounter them. Only knowing the single story causes great misunderstanding.

Check out the video below...

What are your thoughts?
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