My soon to be 18 month old Yus is blowing his nose all by himself. I can't take credit for this success at all. It started about 2 months ago. We were driving to Momo & Papa's house and he proceeded to blow snot in his hands. DISGUSTING, yes I know. I wasn't going to do "the pull over on the side of the highway" because it wasn't going to help. Amidst my yelling STOP Yus continued to blow and laugh.
Long story short, his nose was running the beginning of this week (teething is sooo much fun) and I handed him a tissue expecting him to do his normal wipe of the nose but instead he blew and blew and blew then wiped. I did the mommy cheer, you know it,
Long story short, his nose was running the beginning of this week (teething is sooo much fun) and I handed him a tissue expecting him to do his normal wipe of the nose but instead he blew and blew and blew then wiped. I did the mommy cheer, you know it,
Hand clap, slight squeal "Way to go Yus, good job baby"
and he's been a nose blowing toddler ever since Monday.
Man times flies...
When did your LO start blowing their nose?
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