September 14, 2011

School Schedule

My son has the life! He gets to ride with daddy every morning and evening as daddy does the drop-off and pick-up for daycare most days. Well, Tuesdays is now officially my day to do pick-up as daddy now works late. I excitedly arrived at the daycare and to my surprise saw a note about Fun Week.  It was tapped to the door clear as day.
Fun Week: 9/12 - 9/16
- Monday - wear a hat day
- Tuesday - crazy dress day
- Wednesday - pajama Day
- Thursday - animal day
- Friday - school pride day (wear red & white)
My baby had missed two days of fun. He has a shark baseball cap he could have worn and I could have dressed him in stripes and plaid yesterday. I was so hurt. I told Yus he'd get to wear his PJ's like his friends tomorrow and he smiled (like he knew what I meant).
When I asked J why he didn't tell me about Fun Week at school. He said, "I didn't know anything about it." "You didn't see the sign tapped to the door." "Nope, I just ring the bell walk in and get Yus and go." All, I could do was laugh. Just like a dad, do to what is asked of him and keep time to get to the next task.
So, now when I call the daycare my list of questions have changed.
1) How is Yus doing today?
2) Is there anything we need to bring - other than what was listed on his note?
3) Are there any special activities going on at school this week?

Well, lesson learn! :)


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