Being a working mom, I sometimes feel like I'm missing out on quality time. I spend at least 12 hours a day commuting and working. That's twelve hours not bonding with my little boy. I keep reminding myself that by me working, we as a team are able to better provide for our son and give him the things he needs. I remember putting together a pumping schedule so that I could nurse for at least 9 months. Goal achieved.
Having a supportive mate who reminds me of my worth and how great a mom I am allows me to keep pushing through the work day and week. Lately, I've been reminiscing about the past year and thinking how far we have come as a family. We truly are a team of 3. So, to get myself over these little funky hump, I've started reciting this mantra.
I'm a loving wife, nurturing mom, and I'm doing tha' damn thang!
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