This is just too cute! Click here to get tips and more videos of Elmo helping kids to be a big kid.
nkoyoOctober 31, 2011
Happy Halloween: Dupage Children's Museum
I was able to take Yus to the Dupage Children's Museum for the Halloween event. The museum is amazing! We stayed about an hour and I had to pull Yus away. He enjoyed playing with the blocks, the music room and I think his favorite was the water and wind area.
Thank goodness the museum provides clothes covers for the water area, otherwise Yus would have been completely soaked. We will definitely be back again soon since we didn't get to see the entire museum. I had to pry Yus away from everything just for him to get through the first floor.
Happy Halloween!!!! Be safe and have tons of fun.
Fall fun,
toddler adventures
October 28, 2011
Weekend Grove Music: Put Down The Pacifier
Oh! Sesame Street how I love thee. Starting today, Elmo is helping kids to put down their pacifier's. It's a week long initiative ending Nov. 4th that will provide daily tips and trips for leaving the pacifier behind and becoming a big kid. Check out the video clip below and I'll be posting more on Put Down The Pacifier this week.
This is right on time for us. Yus is currently only using his bow-bow for bedtime and extended car rides, which is a huge milestone for us. A few weeks ago his teacher informed me that he hadn't been using his bow-bow during the day or at nap time so there was no need for it anymore at school. So, we decided to do the same thing on the weekends and its been working so far so good. Hopefully this week of tips and tricks will set us over the top. I'd liked to have him off the bow-bow by the New Year.
Wishful thinking?
October 27, 2011
Mom Alert: Mom Banned from McDonald's
A girlfriend of mine, sent me this link earlier today and I was really grossed-out. A fellow mom and doctor, Dr. Erin Carr-Jordan, has been banned from East Valley area McDonald's in Arizona. She started a campaign against dirty restaurant playgrounds which yielded harmful bacteria on playground equipment. Her intent is to get these playgrounds cleaned up and have state and federal government law put into place for regular cleanings of the equipment.
I guess my assumption and my moms too, when I played freely in restaurant playgrounds was that the play area had a cleaning schedule just like the bathroom. Well, I guess not! In an effort to help the cause I have signed the petition on the Kids Play Safe site.
Yus is currently not interested or big enough just yet to play in these play areas but I will have to set some ground rules to make sure he's safe.
- No eating in the playground
- No touching anything that looks foreign
- If you see something foreign, exit the tunnel/ball area (or what have you) and let me know immediately
What do you do with you kids?
mom alert,
October 26, 2011
Pinterest: Bento Lunches
... so I absolutely love this site. So, many different ideas and crafts to choose from and pin. I stumbled acrossed Bento Lunches yesterday and immediately got excited for my future lunch packing days.
In the spirit of Halloween here is the sandwich monster.
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cooking challenge,
school days
October 24, 2011
Workout Train
Yes I am back on the workout train. I started 2 weeks ago with my co-workers, one of which happens to be sixtwentyseven. Below is my work schedule:
Monday: Spin Hybrid Class
Tuesday: C25K - treadmill workout
Wednesday: Off
Thursday: Butts & Guts Class
Friday: C25K - treadmill workout
Lets hope this sticks through the holiday season so I can loose some more of this baby weight.
Do you have a workout schedule that's working for you?
laces sneaks
October 23, 2011
October 21, 2011
Weekend Grove Music: Change the World
I saw this earlier in the week on and I knew this would be our song for the weekend. Yus loved it, he did his little arm move and squats while the song played.
Check out for an earlier interview with Joey Mazzarino, the creator of Change the World and I love My Hair. Sesame Street you've done it again.
Have a safe & blessed weekend!
October 19, 2011
2 Years Ago Today: My Therapy
On October 19, 2009 I became the 1 in every 3 women that doctors speak of. I had a miscarriage. I didn't know who to reach out too, why it happened to me, or even what it meant for our family's future.
I remember the pain. Calling my husband, letting him know something just happened and I was leaving work and headed to the doctors office. I called my mom and explained through tears that I had lost the baby in the bathroom and was on the way to the hospital. My doctor (my cousin-in-law) called in an immediate blood test and while waiting for the results she checked me. The first sign of God's presence, my doctor was in the office and had an opening. A family member could deliver the news of the loss and embrace me while I cried. She began explaining the reasons and statics.
- That something was wrong with the baby and my body decided that rejection was best and not to hold on to the baby.
- That 1 in 3 women have or will have a miscarriage.
- That having a miscarriage didn't mean I couldn't get pregnant again or have a healthy pregnancy in the future.
On the way home, I spoke with my mom. She informed me that my paternal great-grandmother had experienced a miscarriage. My first thought was, why didn't I know this? Why had it been kept such a secret? In that moment, I vowed that I would tell my story, whatever the outcome. My mom always taught me, that we as women need to be a support system for one another. But how could we be supportive if we keep painful secrets from one another. How can we support each other through the difficult times if we don't share those moment?
I must be honest, if it wasn't for my Aunt Glo and my SiL reminding me of faith and that God doesn't put more on us than we can bear. I might not have made it through my own selfish darkness. I say selfish, because as the week went on I had forgotten that such a loss could impact my husband. That he could be feeling pain and uncertainty as well. And that the same questions running through my mind could be racing through his. We had been fighting and blaming one another instead of leaning on and supporting each other.
Once again God showed up, in another talk I had with my Aunt. She reminded me of all the things the doctor had said and told me that my body was built to carry a baby and that it was at it's most fertile. Instead of fight we starting loving and I found myself a year later on October 19, 2010 holding and praying over our son Yusuf. God is so good!
As I reflect back, I know that on this day our marriage became stronger. There is something about experiencing a loss together and growing from it together that makes you closer. I pray my story leaves you with hope and reminds you that the dark cloud doesn't last always.
October 17, 2011
Play Time: Q-Tips
Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if we should even buy toys for my son anymore. He would rather play with Q-Tips. I can get so much done when he has a box. Laundry, dishes, a shower, you name it!
Moms I know you can agree, there is that one commonly used item that your child would rather play with than their toys.
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Yus loves his Q-Tips! |
toddler adventures
October 14, 2011
Weekend Grove Music: New Way To Walk
Since Yus is walking all over the place these days, here is a New Way to Walk with Destiny's Child...
Have a safe and happy weekend!
October 13, 2011
Sweetest Day
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Us Circa 2009 |
This “Hallmark Holiday” was created in 1921 as a promotion for Cleveland confectioners. This day usually comes and goes in my house but this year we might be celebrating. Saturday night, the marriage ministry at our church is headed to Boocoo, for a dance and potluck.
We do have a birthday party that afternoon, so it really depends on how I feel. Either way, we will be having a date night soon.
nkoyoOctober 12, 2011
Fall Season Excitement: Sonny Acres Farm Adventure
This past weekend Yus and I headed out to Sonny Acres Farm. We arrived at about 11:30am and the farm was hoppin'. Not too crowed but just enough to make it an adventure. He had taken a nap on the car ride over so the first 15 minutes was wake-up time. Not so bad, since I had to get my barrings and get tickets for the pony ride and kiddie koral.
The farm is amazing to say the least. It truly does cater to families and has something for everyone. Since, I knew Yus wasn't going to last long. I only purchased 6 tickets, $6. Just enough for the pony ride, 3 tickets and the kiddie koral, 2 tickets per child and 1 ticket for adults (but if you have more than 1 child the adult doesn't need a ticket).
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Mr. Pony |
Yus was a little hesitant with the pony. It was funny, the girl that took our picture said, "He's not too impressed with this pony." Hahahah! The ride wasn't too long and I was glad I decided to wear my sneakers instead sandals. Not a good look to have pony poo in the toes.
He walked/ran around the kiddie koral. It's like a small gated obstacle course for the little ones, I'd guess for ages 1 - 7. Yus went through a tunnel, that I thought was dark, but my little man has no fear, so I wasn't stopping him. He also thought it was a good idea to touch everything. We both learned he's not a big fan of hay.
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Kiddie Koral |
By the time we did those two things and I took pictures of him by the pumpkins it had already been an hour and half and we were both tired. Sonny Acres does have a petting zoo but I thought he was a little too young for that. Next time I'll add it to the list of to do's.
~ Do take a stroller - they do offer wagons for older kids
~ Do bring sanitizer and hand wipes - they have Porto-potties and an outdoor changing area for little ones - not sure if there is an indoor changing area for chillier/colder days
~ Food is carnival style - tons to choose from and moderately priced - although we didn't eat
~ Do take a picture by the scare 'How Tall This Fall' it makes for a great height chart and can become a tradition
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'How Tall This Fall' 2 feet |
All in all, it was a lot of fun and we'll definitely be returning next year.
Fall fun,
family time,
toddler adventures
October 11, 2011
Fire Prevention Week: October 9-15, 2011
Fire prevention was a serious topic in my house growing up. I remember taking the information home and my mom and dad tasking me with the responsibility of keeping them informed on new prevention ideas.
Letting me lead our family fire drills was my first leadership role and it gave me confidence to do tons of other things. So, task one of your children to be the home fire chief for the month and use the National Fire Protection Association website to get more ideas and get the kids involved.
family time,
fire prevention
October 10, 2011
Breast Cancer Awarness - Know Yourself
It's breast cancer awareness month. As women we need to take care of ourselves and why not start each day with a self breast exam and making time for our annual visit, as uncomfortable as it might be. Below are a few tips for the self exam and questions to ask your doctor and if your husband, walks in while your examining yourself, teach him how as well. This is not a woman only disease.
To learn more about breast cancer, click here.
For questions to ask your doctor, click here.
It's great when music helps the cause as well. Musiq Soulchild has recently become an Ambassador for Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Circle of Promise. A movement designed to further engage black women around the globe in the fight against breast cancer. "Yes", features breast cancer survivors from the Atlanta metro area and the video was directed by Juwan Lee. It's a moving show of transition, love, support, and determination.
Breast Cancer Awarness,
October 9, 2011
Sunday Blessings: Thankful 5
Seriously this was hard. I'm thankful for so much in my life, that narrowing it down to just 5 thankful things was tough.
5 Things I'm Thankful for:
1) Waking up every morning
~ knowing that our days our numbered, waking up each morning reminds me to actually live everyday to the fullest
2) Being a mother
~ the pain of losing a child is like nothing I've ever experienced before and knowing that so many other women experience the same pain, defeat, and shame; really makes you cherish the moment when God blesses you with the precious gift of being a mom
3) My husband
~ the love, support and trust is like no other friendship/relationship
4) Having a roof over our heads
~ working in downtown Chicago I see homeless men/women and families daily and it makes you realize how tangible some items are in our life and how fast they can be gone
5) Family
~ it's truly my foundation and what I pray J and I are able to provide Yus
thanks for the challenge
October 7, 2011
Weekend Groove Music: India Arie
I really enjoy when celebrities are on Sesame Street. I love music and love that Yus is really starting to be aware of the rhythms and moving with them when he hears a song.
So, let's jam out to the ABC's...
Have a safe and happy weekend!
October 6, 2011
Versatile Blogger Award
I'd like to thank Between Two Rams, the Academy, my husband, my baby boy... MOMMY LOVES YOU YUS!!! :-) No, seriously, thank you! I have always seen blogs get awards and I wanted one. You have no idea how exciting this is for me.
I'm going to follow the leader on this one and link to the mom blogger who gave me this award. Nicole at Between Two Rams is an East Coast mommy doing a great job juggling motherhood, family, and blogging. Also, I am to share 7 things about myself and pass this award on to 15 other bloggers .
My 7 things:
1) I have a love affair with chocolate. Anything chocolate is amazing to me.
2) My favorite color is orange. It's just bright sunshine and makes me smile.
3) I love laughing and joking. I'm far from a comedian but I like to think that my theatrical personality makes my story-telling abilities amusing for all.
4) Dancing makes me feel better. It allows me to express all kinds of emotions. I trained for 16 years with the Venettes Cultural Workshop in ballet, tap, jazz, modern, and African. When I went to college (Seton Hall University) I started Silent Praise, Praise dance ministry with my best friend Ryanne and realized that I could merge my talent with praising God. Loves it!
5) I love blogging and freelance writing - it's such a great outlet
6) I really can't wait until my son starts playing sports. I dig the soccer mom thing minus the minivan. I'm just not a minivan girl.
7) I have finally found my style ~ I'm classic meets trendy! Meaning all my major pieces are classic and I add trends in with accessories. Needless to say my wardrobe is going through a slow overhaul. :-)
Now I grant the below bloggers ~ the Versatile Blogger Award ~ check them out:
As for Me and My House
2 Wired 2 Tired
Workout Mommy
Love Laugh Live
Not Mommy of the Year
Man vs Mommy
Literal Mom
The Menu Mom
2 Wired 2 Tired
Workout Mommy
Love Laugh Live
Not Mommy of the Year
Man vs Mommy
Literal Mom
The Menu Mom
blog awards
October 5, 2011
Daycare Fundraisers
I received my first school fundraiser on Friday. I was wanted to be really excited for it until I read the fundraising information . It read as follows:
Remember everyone needs to sell 4 cases -- $30/case
Order forms received: 9/30 Friday
Order forms turned in: 10/4 Tuesday
Apple pick-up: 10/7 Friday
Money due: 10/14 Friday
Now, I know I'm new to school fundraisers but that seems like a REALLY fast turn around. My first thought was that since J picks up Yus he had forgotten to give me the note. But it says FRIDAY, so clearly I received the form in a timely fashion.
My second thought, was maybe they sent out a fundraiser pre-note with all the info and I just missed it. No, that can't be. I would have definitely remembered that. My final thought - How in the WORLD am I going to sell 4 cases. A case includes 24 apples, I googled it. Clearly, I'm not buying 4 cases and I don't expect anyone in our family to buy a case either (although my FiL is buying a case). What do I do with all those apples anyway? In good conscience I can only eat one and then I start thinking about cavities.
Oh! Lawd, I don't want to be one of those parents that doesn't ever participate in fundraisers but man, I don't even feel like I've been given adequate sale strategy and implementation time.
Really, in my head fundraising goes like this:
Remember everyone needs to sell 4 cases -- $30/case
Order forms received: 9/30 Friday
Order forms turned in: 10/21 Friday
Apple pick-up: 10/28 Friday
Money due: 11/4 Friday
I get at least a month to plan, sell and prep family and friends. I remember fundraisers at school and having WAY more time than a week to turn in the order form. Am I wrong?
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school days
October 3, 2011
Hair Puller vs. The Screamer
I've always been one of those girls that wanted boys, thinking that girls are more expensive. The clothes, matching hair bows, shoes, dance lessons etc. I still think girls are more expensive but I'm starting to believe that they are a lot calmer and less physical.
Since, giving birth my only side-affect has been the breakage of my edges (on my hair line). Not so bad, since I can cover them with a head band or pull my hair back into a ponytail. Unfortunately, Yus thinks my hair is a toy. Especially now that him and J play WWE wrestling and Yus assumes that all the rough-housing can be done with mommy too. He enjoys grabbing my face, around the eye area, which causes him to laugh uncontrollably and me to shriek. He loves pulling me in for sloppy kisses which is cute and I love it! Except most times those kisses always come with a few strands of hair loss.
Needless to say, I've have to resort to taking my prenatal vitamins again in an effort to promote some hair growth from all the hair pulling. I mean seriously, boys are ROUGH. I go to sleep some nights in pain, wishing I didn't mind taking something to relieve the headache that always seems to follow.
I do let him know that his hair pulling hurts mommy and remove his hands from hair but I think he's just not old enough to understand his strength just yet.
Any advice, on how to get my 13 month old to be more gentle with me is MUCH welcomed!
toddler boys
October 2, 2011
Sunday Blessings: Proverbs 4:12
"As I go forward step by step, the way will be opened up to me."
Proverbs 4:12
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